UED2010 Wk 1: Getting moving

Our first week in the course. Here are some brief notes. **


  • Introduced the course by going through the course profile.

  • Handed out the toolboxes with arduinos, breadboard, multimeters, servo motors, and some simple tools.

  • Pulled apart some gadgets which everyone had brought in. Looked at the components inside and discussed what the functions might be.

  • Tried to get the Arduinos hooked up and running, but we ran out of time, so I asked the students to do this before the next class.


  • Started by checking that everyone’s arduino was working. There were some problems with the drivers for the serial port for a couple of people, but we managed to get that working. Also, need to check that Nano board is selected with Atmega168 rather than Atmega328.

  • Described the pins on the nano board and showed how to attach a servo motor.

  • Played around with the example servo sweep program, tried different values in the loops to make the servo move at different speeds.

  • Went down to the e-lab and collected some components (potentiometers, hook-up wire, and resistors).

  • Added a potentiometer and pull-down resistor to the circuit and used the example servo knob program so we could control the position of the servo by turning the knob.

  • Used Serial.println commands to look at what values were being read from the potentiometer and adjust the program.

  • Used character-movement tinkering cards to choose a movement and character to design for.

**Task for next Tuesday: ** With the character and movement cards your group chose, try to tinker a kinetic sculpture driven by the servo motor that moves in a way that expresses those qualities. For example, if your words were ‘fierce leaping’ you need to create a sculpture that somehow leaps in a fierce way.

See Ben Hopson’s kinetic work for lots of ideas for how to create interesting movements out of very simple materials.