Better Z-Index & Marquee Selection

I’ve just pushed an update to that allows marquee selection to work on Safari as well as making it more reliable on Firefox and Internet Explorer. The update also does a better job of keeping track of the front to back ordering of stikis, and fixes a number of small bugs. With this update, the site is almost fully working on Safari. The only big problem left to tackle is bold and italic formatting, which is currently broken.

As always, when addressing browser compatibility, I made some surprising discoveries about the ways that different browsers work. Here, for example are the keyCodes reported by Safari, Firefox, and Opera for the left and right apple keys.

Browser Left Apple Key Right Apple Key
Firefox 3 224 224
Safari 3 91 93
Opera 17 17

…why, why, why?

The indomitable ppk has a fairly good reference, but I’m not sure how much of his sanity he was willing to risk for a really thorough investigation. His tables don’t point out that Safari reports a different keyCode for the left and the right keys.