Welcome Firefox 3 (and Safari 3)

Welcome Safari 3 and Firefox 3

Last week saw the release of Firefox 3 onto the web. So on ‘download day’, I joined the thronging millions to grab my very own copy. Now which site do you think I was first to visit with my prize? Stikis of course!

I excitedly typed in the address, logged in and arrived back at my last stikis page. Then… (cue sound-effect of nuclear reactors powering down)…nothing. Aargh, a compatibility bug in the script that hooks up the color patches. It meant that nothing on the page worked.

I know I should have downloaded the beta and tested it with stikis before the release date, but…well there was that pesky thesis to get out of the way :) and you’d expect Firefox 3 to work with stikis if Firefox 2 does…right? Wrong.

However, the bugs were fairly minor and yesterday I was able to make an update to the site that fixes them. An upshot of this was that Stikis now also plays nicely with Safari 3.

If either of these is your browser of choice, Welcome to Stikis!